Monday, April 30, 2018

How Hurricane Irma Brought a Canadian Family Some Closure

When Dick Troy got the news last September, "I almost buckled my knees," he tells the CBC , noting the "eerie feeling" that overtook him. What he was told over the phone by a US reporter: that wreckage from a plane and a parachute harness with the words "Lt. (P) Troy"...

UK government defeated as Lords back powers to block or change EU exit deal

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's House of Lords voted on Monday to give parliament powers to block or delay the final deal on the country's departure from the European Union, defeating Prime Minister Theresa May's government.

Macron heading to Australia to boost defense ties, raise French profile

PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron heads to Australia on Tuesday in hopes of cementing defense ties, pursuing his agenda to boost France's profile beyond Europe in a region where it maintains a string of island territories.

Paper plane protesters urge Russia to unblock Telegram app

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Thousands of people marched through Moscow, throwing paper planes and calling for authorities to unblock the popular Telegram instant messaging app on Monday.

Family: Incredible Life Ends in Horrifying Nursing Home Death

To understand just how extreme Rebecca Zeni's condition allegedly became at the LaFayette, Ga., nursing home where she resided, read this quote: "There was a conversation at this nursing home with a healthcare provider about being careful about touching Ms. Zeni's hand for fear that it might fall off her...

Police fire teargas at refugees in camp in western Rwanda

KIGALI (Reuters) - Rwandan police fired teargas on Monday at refugees and injured at least one child after senior police officers and government officials visiting their camp were pelted with stones, the refugees said.

Icebergs could float to the rescue of Cape Town water crisis

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Marine salvage experts are floating a plan to tug icebergs from Antarctica to South Africa's drought-hit Cape Town to help solve the region's worst water shortage in a century.

10 Best Big US Cities to Launch a Business

If you've got the entrepreneurial itch and are on the hunt for the best place to jump-start a business, WalletHub has some insights. The site pulled out more than 180 large US cities and looked at 19 key metrics for each in three main categories: business environment, including the average...

Somalia’s former defense minister elected new speaker of parliament

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's parliament elected a former defense minister as its speaker on Monday.

Protest in Moscow against Telegram app ban

Protests come two weeks after court allowed government to block messaging app for failing to hand over encryption keys.

Syria's war: Rebels to leave southern Damascus in evacuation deal

Fighters from Hay'et Tahrir al-Sham are evacuating their enclave as Syrian government forces continue to pressure the armed group.

Iran's judiciary bans using Telegram app: state TV

ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran's judiciary has banned the popular Telegram instant messaging app to protect national security, Iran's state TV reported on Monday.

Gunmen kill journalist in Afghan province, officials say

KABUL (Reuters) - A journalist who worked for a local Afghan language service of the BBC and also contributed to Reuters was shot dead while driving home in the eastern city of Khost on Monday, officials said.

Trump Deserves Nobel, Says S. Korea's Leader

Last week's summit between the leaders of North and South Korea generated lots of chatter about a Nobel Peace Prize for the main players involved. On Monday, South Korean President Moon Jae-in made clear who he thinks should get it: "It's President Trump who should receive the Nobel Prize," he...

Iran's judiciary bans using Telegram instant messaging app: state TV

ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran's judiciary has banned the popular Telegram instant messaging app to protect national security, Iran's state TV reported on Monday.

Israel's Netanyahu to make 'significant' announcement on Iran

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make a televised announcement Monday evening (1700 GMT) in what his office said would be a "significant development" regarding the nuclear agreement with Iran.

New dawn or swan song? Czech communists eye slice of power after decades

PRAGUE (Reuters) - When the United States, Britain and France bombed Syria earlier this month, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis showed support for his Western partners one day before rowing back the next.

Thousands call for aid access for villagers trapped by fighting in Myanmar

YANGON (Reuters) - Thousands of people rallied on Monday in Myanmar's war-torn Kachin State to demand humanitarian access for villagers trapped by fighting between government forces and ethnic minority insurgents that has displaced more than 5,000 people.