Friday, November 30, 2018

Montenegro jails opposition leader over his refusal to testify

Montenegrin police arrested Nebojsa Medojevic, a lawmaker and a prominent opposition leader, on Friday after a high court ordered he serve a two-month jail sentence passed in March for refusing to testify about high-level corruption.

Fuel tax protesters block Brussels streets

Scores of Belgian protesters wearing the yellow vests that have become a symbol of anti-tax demonstrators in neighboring France blocked a key road junction in central Brussels on Friday, calling on the government to resign.

South Africa's High Court rejects white farmers' challenge to land expropriation plans

South Africa's High Court rejected a legal challenge on Friday brought by a group representing white farmers against President Cyril Ramaphosa's plans for land expropriation without compensation.

War monitor, Syrian media say anti-IS coalition air strikes kill dozens

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said air strikes by the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State in eastern Syria this week killed dozens of people in the jihadist group's last major foothold.

Russian men barred from entering Ukraine

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said the measure would prevent Russia forming 'private armies' in Ukraine.

Angry India farmers march on parliament to highlight farm crisis

Tens of thousands of farmers protest in New Delhi demanding debt waivers and higher crop prices.

Afghanistan: Women, children among 23 killed in US attack: UN

A vast majority of the victims in the Helmand attack were women and children, according to a UN investigation.

Russia-Ukraine tensions: Martial law not so evident in Kharkiv

People in this second-largest city of Ukraine are worried about invasion from Russia.

G20 summit: Protests mark Argentina gathering

Protests around Bueno Aires is reminder of how difficult it would be to resolving differences among world leaders.

Rain brings misery to caravan migrants camped in Tijuana

During the night, many refused to get on government buses, moving them to a covered shelter, in order to stay together.

Ukraine Closes Border to Fighting-Age Russian Men

Ukrainian officials have barred Russian males between the ages of 16 and 60 from traveling to the country in the latest escalation of tensions between the neighbors. Petro Tsygykal, chief of the Ukrainian Border Guard Service, announced at a security meeting on Friday that all Russian males between 16 and...

Boy Sends Card to Dad in Heaven, Gets Reply

This is a busy time of year for Britain's Royal Mail, but they were still able to deliver a heartwarming reply when they received an envelope with this request: "Mr. Postman, can you take this to Heaven for my dad's Birthday." It was from Jase Hyndman, a Scottish 7-year-old whose...

The morality of torture: A toxic legacy

An investigation into the covert CIA programme of torture outlawed by former President Obama and favoured by the Trump administration.

CNN fires contributor Marc Lamont Hill for criticising Israel

Hill was accused of anti-Semitism after he called for 'free Palestine from the river to the sea' at UN meeting.

Torture, reform and women's rights in Saudi Arabia

Women are being tortured for demanding basic rights in 'reformist' Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Saudi Arabia.

UK PM May says she's focused on her Brexit deal, not a plan B

British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Thursday she was focused on persuading lawmakers to back her Brexit deal at a vote in parliament on Dec. 11 rather than preparing a plan B.

Report: Putin Was Almost Given $50M Trump Tower Penthouse

While Donald Trump was still a presidential candidate, his company was considering giving Vladimir Putin a huge and very symbolic gift, reports BuzzFeed , which cites multiple sources—including the business associate who came up with the plan. Longtime Trump Organization business associate Felix Sater says the plan was to give...

Sri Lanka parliament halts ministers' salaries to pressure disputed PM

Sri Lanka's parliament on Friday voted to halt payment of ministers' salaries and travel expenses, but it remained unclear how the move would impact the disputed government of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa whose ministers boycotted the vote.

China has 'stern' words with U.S. over ship in South China Sea

China said on Friday said it had lodged "stern representations" with the United States after the U.S. Navy sailed a ship through the contested South China Sea, passing near islands claimed by China.

Russia thinks Trump canceled Putin meeting for domestic reasons

Russia believes U.S. President Donald Trump canceled his meeting with Vladimir Putin due to domestic issues rather than the Ukraine situation, its foreign ministry said on Friday.

German Air Force says Merkel plane landed early due to electric failure

An electronic failure caused a plane carrying Chancellor Angela Merkel to the G20 summit in Argentina to made an unscheduled landing, a German Air Force spokesman said on Friday.

Ukraine bars entry to Russian men of combat age citing invasion fears

Ukraine on Friday banned Russian men of combat age from entering the country, a move introduced under martial law after Russia fired on and captured three Ukrainian naval ships off Crimea last weekend.

South Africa's Zuma wants arms deal corruption charges set aside

South Africa's former president Jacob Zuma wants corruption charges relating to a $2.2 billion arms deal to be permanently set aside, his lawyers said on Friday, when Zuma made his fourth court appearance since the charges were reinstated.

Vietnam jails senior police for running online gambling ring

A Vietnamese court on Friday jailed two senior police officials found guilty of running an underground online gambling ring which raised millions of dollars, state media said.